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03.05.2017 11:15 | TOP Čas

Týmto ľuďom sa podarilo schudnúť desiatky kíl: Po premene vyzerajú úplne inak!

Schudli niekoľko kilogramov a teraz sú z nich sebavedomejší, zdravší a šťastnejší ľudia.

Kto už raz skúšal zredukovať svoju váhu, vie, aké to je zložité a koľko odopierania si tento cieľ vyžaduje. Zrejme najťažšia súčasť procesu chudnutia je motivácia schudnúť a potom tento boj s nadváhou vydržať. zozbieral tieto neuveriteľné premeny ľudí, ktorí sa nevzdali a vydreli si štíhlejšiu postavu.

Kate Writer vážila 120 kíl, schudla 55 počas 9. mesiacov.

massive hugs to all of my amazing new followers and of course to those of you who have been following me from the start 😍 I honestly can't believe how much success my account has had in only 2 months ! 🎉 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I'm wanting you all to get to know me a little bit more-i don't just want to be another random fitness page-so lets get personal 😏 || I'm going to start making "friday's fast five" lists-today's is my top 5 guilty pleasures. these are foods that I find veryyyyy had to turn down!! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. baked goods-please don't put me near croissants, tarts, cookies, cakes, donuts, pastries or anything with delicious sweet carbs...especially cheesecake-doesn't matter what type-traditional new york, baked, refrigerated, all flavors, I don't discriminate on cheesecake 🎂🍰🍩🍪 2. antipasto platters-oh lord-cheese, crackers, dips, cabanossi, sun dried tomato 🧀🍞🍅 again don't leave me alone with these devils. 3. potato bake 😐-creamy, cheesey, bacon filled potato bake 🙊 4. ice-cream-it's gotta be decadent-I'm talking peanut butter, cookie dough, salted caramel, cookies and cream, straight up vanilla-the list is pretty much endless 🍨🍦🍧 ben and jerrys, connoisseur, magnums-they're all welcome here. 5. peanut butter and nutella-straight from the jar with a spoon-and don't try and tell me how much is too much, I decide that 😉 ok this was very hard to stop at only 5 😢 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• please let me know what top 5 you wanna see next week 😘 happy friday friends !

A post shared by Kate | 📍AUS (@dedikated_lifestyle) on

Tejto žene sa podarilo schudnúť za rok 60 kíl, teda polovicu svojej pôvodnej váhy.

#mondaymotivation Left - January 2015 wearing those size 26 shorts that dug into to my belly. 😢 Right - January 2017 in one leg of those exact same shorts at my Miss Slinky 2017 press call! 😆 Weight loss was the battle of my life and nothing fills me with more pride than this achievement. I fought so hard to become this happy. I had really low moments when I just thought I was destined to be overweight as I failed countless times. I was forever in search of weight loss, forever in search of a quick fix and the best 'diet'. I very rarely sat and honestly acknowledged that I needed to change; change for good. There were plenty of breaking moments that should have pushed me to change but unfortunately they never. It took that holiday to Florida to make me realise how bad things were, how much food controlled me. I spent that holiday turning to food for comfort, it was how I functioned, I spent the next four months doing the same but in May 2015 I walked into the @slimmingworld group to CHANGE my life, I made it public (this instagram) and I vowed to never give up on myself. Was it difficult?! YES! The first 2/3 months especially feel like a 'diet' as you're completely changing your life BUT it gets easier and becomes habit! When people ask about what 'diet' I am on, I tell then I'm not on a diet, I food optimise, I follow @slimmingworld. Every human has a diet, unfortunately for us food lovers food is the one reliance/addiction we cannot remove, you have to correct that balance of good and bad to lose weight - logical yes, easy?! No!! I'm 5 foot 5 and at my start weight I was obese, fed up and existing not living. At my new healthy weight I live in happiness every single day!! I've maintained my new healthy lifestyle for a good few months now and why would I ever change?! Why would I go back?! Why would I lose motivation?! No food or bad habit is worth losing this happiness. If I thought I was 'on a diet' there may have been a time I'd come 'off' it. Mentality is so important with weight loss, especially when you have a mountain to climb as I did (half my body weight!). Remain positive, take it one day at a time, focus on improving your health, mental & physical. 🦋

A post shared by Jennifer Ginley, 27, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) on

 Tento mladík schudol 50 kíl postupne za 7 rokov.

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Zdroj: Reddit/pizzacolada

Partneri chudli spoločne.

Úplne iná žena.

Imgur say Bravo to my girlfriend

Z bacuľky sexi kosť. Žena schudla 45 kíl po tom, čo zistila, že ju jej manžel podvádza.

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Zdroj: Instagram/queen_b_b

Vykŕmil sa stravovaním v rýchlom občerstvení, no potom sa mu podarilo schudnúť 63 kíl.

Takto to vyzerá, keď schudnete 72 kíl.

This is what losing 160 pounds looks like

Žene sa podarilo schudnúť 76 kíl za 11 mesiacov.

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Zdroj: Reddit/SuneLind

Muž zhodil 45 kíl a takto vyzerá po ráznej premene.

Hey can I post my 100 pound weight loss?

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